



To provide students with an avenue to appeal an academic and student services policy or procedure.



The period of time that makes up one school year, beginning in August and ending in May. Summer session typically runs from May through July and is considered to be a part of the previous academic year.


Official documentation that supports the appeal including, but not limited to:

  • 医疗提供者/医疗设施的信件
  • 死亡证书/公告/讣告

Events that are sudden, significantly disruptive and beyond a student’s control. 情有可原的情况包括但不限于:

  • 子女、兄弟姐妹、配偶或伴侣的丧亲
  • 短期医疗状况
  • Serious personal injury, medical condition or mental health crises

Actions of any kind taken against a student for participating or not participating in the appeal process.



可以对成绩提出学术上诉, retroactively withdraw from a course (after the withdrawal deadline has passed) and other similar situations.

Appeals to retroactively withdraw will not be accepted if 180 or more days have passed since the academic term in which the course(s) in question was completed. Students can inquire with the Registrar’s Office to determine if an appeal is appropriate in their situation prior to submitting the appeal.


Grade appeals can be filed in the event a student believes a final course grade was calculated in error or in a manner inconsistent with the stated course grading policy, or faculty conduct regarding grade determination was inconsistent with contractual responsibilities, or M州政策和/或明尼苏达州系统董事会政策. This policy provides the student the right to a final course grade review by the College, 不包括字母等级W, FW和FN.

The grade appeal process is not intended to grade or re-grade individual assignments or projects, but to determine if the final grade was assigned in an accurate and consistent manner.

Faculty have the right to establish individual standards and approaches to grading consistent with the principles of academic freedom, therefore the grade appeal process may not challenge the faculty member’s grading standard as stated in the course syllabus. Individual faculty members are responsible for assigning grades. The College is responsible for recording and maintaining an official record of assigned grades.

Circumstances that warrant correction of an official record for an assigned grade include:

  1. Consultation revealed a calculation error occurred that is different than what was stated in the course syllabus.
  2. Consultation revealed a grade was inconsistent with the written grading standards for the course as stated in the course syllabus.
  3. 教师任意地应用评分标准, 反复无常的, improper or discriminatory manner inconsistent with contractual responsibilities, M州政策和/或明尼苏达州系统董事会政策.

The student has the full responsibility to substantiate the claim that their final grade reflects an error in calculation or the criteria for evaluating academic performance as stated in the syllabus is not followed. No retaliation of any kind shall be taken against a student for participation in a complaint or appeal.


A Student Services Appeal can be filed when a student feels there are extenuating circumstances which warrant departure from or access to the College policies or procedures listed below:

支持上诉的文件是 要求 审查. Appeals without documentation will not receive full consideration.


Appeals must be submitted within 180 days of the end of the semester for which the request is being made. 例如:

  • Appeals related to fall semester must be submitted by the following June 30
  • Appeals related to spring semester must be submitted by the following November 30
  • Appeals related to summer semester must be submitted by the following January 31

A successful appeal does not guarantee reduction in tuition and associated fees. 在学生收到退款的情况下, such refunds will first be applied to any outstanding obligations and to any scholarship, 学生在该学期收到的助学金或贷款. A student who is receiving any form of Federal Title IV 金融援助 will be liable for any unearned funds received as determined by the Office of 金融援助.



Will review appeals and communicate a decision in a timely manner. Notification about the decision can be sent via email and/or USPS to the address(es) included on the appeal form.


Minnesota State Community and Technical College Drop/Add/Withdraw 政策

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Grading 政策

Minnesota State Community and Technical College 退课退款和退课政策

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Academic and 学生服务上诉 Procedure

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Medical Withdraw Procedure

Minnesota State Community and Technical College 妊娠、分娩或哺乳程序

明尼苏达州立系统.12.1 .军人和残疾退伍军人

明尼苏达州立系统.12.2 学费减免,延期和追溯退学 

明尼苏达州立系统.12.4 退还学杂费


Dr. 马修·J. Borcherding



The policy was rewritten to combine the 学术上诉 政策 and the Student Services Appeal 政策 into one.